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Christmas Vibes
Image by Brina Blum

G A R D E N  C A R E

$15.00   (15 Minute)

$20.00   (20 Minute)

$30.00   (30 Minute)

$45.00   (45 Minute)

$60.00   (60 Minute)

P L A N T  C A R E

$2.00 per plant, per day. (indoor/outdoor potted plants only)

H O L I D A Y   D E T A I L S

$5.00 is added to any existing service desired for that day only. 

NOTE: The primary service we offer for your plants is hydration through watering. We welcome specific instructions.

E R R A N D S 

Cost of errand(s) completed on your behalf is derived from the amount of time required to complete task(s). Please contact us for a quote.

H O L I D A Y   D E T A I L S

$5.00 is added to any existing service desired for that day only. 

© 2012 - 2024  All rights reserved. CRC Pet Service

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